*Supreme Court of Ghana*
*Ghanaians Read the following Exchanges and draw your own Conclusions:*
“Justice Nene Amegatcher: Why wouldn’t you limit your references to the office rather than the personality. It seems to me that your attack is with the personality and not the office…We will be happy if you just limit it to the office and not the EC because in her absence any of her deputies could step in.
Tsatsu: Respectfully my lord, there is only one Returning Officer for the presidential election and that is the EC chairperson.
Justice Nene Amegatcher: let’s leave it at that, chairperson of the Electoral Commission and not her person
Tsatsu: But my Lord, she is the Chairperson and she has a name, or I am not allowed to mention the name of the Chairperson
Justice Nene Amegatcher: The question should be to the office
Tsastu: I want to understand I am being prohibited from mentioning the name of the Chairperson, is that the issue?
Justice Nene Amegatcher: Reading through your petition which makes constant emphasis on the name, what I am telling you is that we will be satisfied with the designation because in her absence any of her deputies could act in that position
Tsatsu: My Lord…
Justice Nene Amegatcher: So, it is an election petition and you are challenging the election, it is sufficient that the institution charged with the conducting that election had done their work and the Chairperson who is the head represent that institution and not the personality
Tsatsu: With the greatest respect, I believe that the constitutional requirement regarding the returning officer and the particular circumstances do not make it possible step in for the Chairperson, it cannot be like you are envisaging.
Justice Nene Amegatcher: The institution had done the work and not the personality
Tsatsu: The particular circumstances that we are dealing with in this case, do not make it possible to have the situation that you are envisaging where you have somebody else step in for the Chairperson.
The constitution makes the Chairperson and only that person the Returning Officer and in the circumstances of this case that Chairperson happens to be the person we referred to in the petition who undertook her responsibility in accordance with the constitution and legal situation that we have, I am not mentioning her name by targeting her individual…that is far from it. I do not target her when I mention her name as the person who declared the results, that is a fact.
Justice Nene Amegatcher: Thank you, you may continue with your interrogatories”